What is The Advantage of Getting a Balance Test?

When you move your head, does the room spin? Do you frequently have trouble with balance?

A number of things can cause dizziness, from illness to medications to dehydration. But you should get a balance test if you have a persistently pounding heart, nausea, or dizziness.

woman experiencing dizziness

If I Have a Balance Disorder, How Would I Know? Are There Specific Symptoms?

Here are a few symptoms of a balance disorder:
This list is by no means exhaustive. Consult with us if vertigo is causing you to be miserable. You could be coping with one of the following balance disorders:

How to Treat Your Balance Disorder

We will go over how to treat and manage a balance disorder after we identify whether you have one. We might suggest you do certain exercises at home, change your diet, undergo vestibular rehabilitation, or possibly that you consult with a different specialist.

Come in And Talk With Us Rather Than Watching the Epley Maneuver on YouTube

We might carry out the Epley Maneuver or another canalith repositioning procedure. Your sense of balance can sometimes be “reset” by performing these movements. You can also do the Epley Maneuver at home, and we can show you how to do it.

Are balance issues a problem for you? Make an appointment by calling or texting 706-445-3258.